

My quest to recreate a Bob Ross palette knife begins. Painter 12 is great, but the palette knives are still just flat smeary snore-fests for the most part. Getting a computer to create happy accidents is... no small task. For 2 minutes of doodling with very little brush tweaking, I'm fairly pleased so far.


Slower progress recently, working on some other (read: $$) projects as well, so this gets bumped. :(


Found some more random sketches kicking around from last semester. 


The Incredible Houck

Somehow I don't think my roommate was quite so enthused about my exploration of new CS6 brushes as I was. Yea, he mad.


Demo silhouettes and variations in various states of completion:


Book illustrations for My Story and I'm Stuck With It.  You want Steadman? You got it!


Cleaning up the archives

Sometimes I forget how much fun it is to do fliers (especially for Rad Boyz/ Ben Abstrakt) Short time frames, creative freedom and ridiculous ideas come together for great lulz. (now if only I could find the GIF flashing obnoxious versions I was ASKED to do.)


I derp when I'm bored.

Grand Funk Dynasty has a new album coming out shortly, check it out.

Ben Abstrakt has a new Monthly at 540 Club

then I go back to derpin's.